Thursday, March 29, 2012

First Post!!!!

Hello All,

As part of my new years resolution I wanted to start a blog. Well it may be almost April, but here is my first post. Better to be late than never I suppose.

Here is a little bit about me: I am a Christian, but that does not mean I am perfect. I am flawed, and have made many mistakes. I am saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.  I do not I think I'm better than others, nor do I automatically dislike others who are different from me. I love meeting people of different backgrounds and life styles.

I am a wife to my wonderful husband Nathan. He is my best friend, partner in life and truly my better half. He is many things I am not. Patient being a one of them. Together we have a beautiful daughter Evie, who is two years old.

This blog is dedicated to the small moments that build up the big moments that is my life. I try to appreciate all things no matter the size. I feel like if your always looking for the big things to happen in life, you may pass up many special moments/ people/ things that are right in front of you. Over all I am a lover of life.

Please enjoy,


It's no secret at our house I have wanted a new kitchen table for the past few years. Since I'm too frugal to go buy a brand new table, and I haven't found one that meets my buy price yet. I decided to give our table a face lift.  I found a yard of sturdy upolstry fabric in the reminant bin at Hobby Lobby. At 7.00 dollars it met my buy price. The result was a much needed refashion to the chairs and it took less than an hour.
The old material is on the left, and the material is on the right.

Materials needed: enough material for your chairs, scissors or exactoknife, staple gun, hardware to take cushion off chair.

Step 1. Unscrew your cushion from the chair. Measure your chairs, so you have enough material to cover your cushion.

Step 2. Cut out your material.

Step 3. Take your precut material and lay printed side facing down. Take your cushion and place it on the negative side of material. The fold over excess on the board of your cushion, pull it fairly tight and staple it.

Step 4. Trim any excess material.

Step 5. Screw cushion back onto chair.

Step 6. Enjoy the pretty refashioned chair!!